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Web and Mobile App Modernization Services

We employ legacy application modernization approaches to change older frameworks that have issues in scaling up. Our team moves or reformats programs for you to run them in newer and more advanced IT architectures.

Legacy Application Transformation

At FutureOne Tech, we help enterprises with business application transformation and realize client-first solutions to replicate the functionality using machine learning and artificial intelligence. We collaborate with your in-house teams, if needed, to repurpose legacy systems, rewrite the code, convert and port older IT equipment.

Code Reviewing

We revise the code to recognize weaknesses or buggy elements and attempt to avoid the future ones.


Refactoring helps us restructure and clean up the existing code with no changes to the external behavior of a program.

Integrating to Cloud

We modernize programs and apply cloud integrations to benefit from updating the system continuously.

Reverse Engineering

Legacy code maintenance is achievable with backwards engineering practices to get better results for software productivity.

API Integration Management

FutureOne Tech’s API integration services imply service-oriented architecture (SOA), enterprise application integration (EAI) and standards-based enterprise service bus (ESB) solutions, among other things. We apply integrational strategies to monitor entrepreneurial and commercial activities via SaaS models or combining an on-premises datacenter with a public cloud. We help companies go digital and take advantage of the best architectural principles for effective upgrades of legacy software and apps.

Timely delivery:

We offer urgent or short deadlines for API development and provide fully-fledged APIs on time.


Our experts reach clarity and accuracy in custom app development with explicit tech stack.


The APIs we build may be deployed in a single click to multiple environments. Running them promptly is safe and easy.


With inbuilt project-specific templates, we provide automation of backend models.


We monitor API solutions in terms of time, place and manner of usage.


With smoothly built APIs, we eliminate vulnerability, failures and errors.

Applications Management Services

We are your trusted application management service provider for any company-centered operations and perfect enterprise solutions – we maintain client applications & technology infrastructure with the remarkable advantages below:

  • Cost reduction: cut your financial expenses (direct and indirect costs) improving & modernizing your application portfolio and improvising distribution channels.
  • Rapid time-to-market: achieve a faster commercial introduction using the top modern technological solutions and see the top-line growth and value in essential sectors.
  • Transparent decisions: establish direct and straightforward innovative solutions with positive digitally-driven modifications.